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Resinex Poland offers material for face shield production


Poligraf is a Polish producer of monofilaments. Despite the short cooperation we’ve decided to support them in their activities aiming to help the Polish healthcare system by producing with 3D printers safety visors elements.

Resinex Poland offered 1T of Selenis BD 110 in special price of 1€/kg to produce monofilaments necessary to produce these parts.

3D Kordo

3D Korno is local 3D printing filament producer from northern Poland. Resinex Poland offered them 295kg of PET Genius 84 in special price 1€/kg.

Kordo donated 3D filament made from that material to Białystok University of Technology.

They produced safety visors for local hospitals. By early April they produced almost 800 pieces and continued producing afterwards.

Resinex is part of Ravago's Business Unit Polymer Distribution, located in Europe.

Entec supplies EverBlock in building pop-up hospital


EverBlock Systems, a customer of Entec, is doing great work in the battle against COVID-19.

EverBlock Systems manufactures giant Lego-like building blocks, which can be converted into furniture or walls for offices, classrooms, and military training operations. Now EverBlock Systems is sending truckloads of plastic blocks and interlocking wall units from New York to Louisiana to build a temporary hospital for coronavirus patients.

Entec supported in securing FR ABS and no break Copolymer for EverBlock for this project in Louisiana.

Entec is part of Ravago's Business Unit Polymer Distribution, located in North and Latin America.

TCL offers materials for face shield production

TCL Hofmann, based in Australia, part of Ravago group, are a proud partner of Klöckner Pentaplast materials.

TCL Hofmann offers their customers high quality packaging materials for the food and pharmaceutical industry - and more recently, supported by offering medical films suitable for faceshields.

Contributions Ravago Americas

Also Ravago Americas and it’s channels play a vital part in fighting the Corona COVID-19 pandemic:

We are supplying ABS, Polycarbonate, Nylon, and Acrylic into much needed ventilators and respirators.

We are shipping to multiple customers that are making personnel protection equipment, and face shields to keep our health care workers and first responders as safe as possible.

At our own Ravago Americas manufacturing facilities we are producing products that go into:

  • chest drainage systems
  • medical pen injectors
  • hospital trays for nurse carts
  • EKG medical components
  • hand sanitizer dispensers
  • face masks for respirators
  • flame retardant film compounds for hazmat suits
  • TPV resin that are used ventilators which are so critical to preserving human life

We are helping to keep the supply chain filled with medical masks, selling Polypropylene into the non-woven producers.

We are selling PET into applications for water, and hand sanitizer both vital in helping to slow the spread of the virus.

Resinex Poland supports for face shield frames


Wadim Plast is one of the major companies in Polish plastic industry. They have a long history and experience in this field.

Due to COVID-19 situation they’ve decided to help the Polish healthcare system and the community by producing safety visors.

They immediately started to produce mold for the frame (it took them 1 week to do it, so impressive!) and Resinex Poland provided them with 1375 kg of Braskem H357-09RSB & 200 kg Ensoft SO-161-50A-T2 i free of charge. 1375 kg of the same Ensoft material was offered at very low special price to support this noble activity. .

Resinex supplies for ventilator production

RESINEX UK delivered the materials to produce much needed ventilators.

The OEM for this application is Medtronic who makes the ventilators for use in several European hospitals during the COVID-19 outbreak.

There are several SABIC materials involved which are colour matched in Blue, Grey and Whites – Cycoloy C1200HF, Cycolac MG47F and Lexan LUX9616.

These various coloured materials are involved in at least 15 parts of this Ventilator 980 from Medtronic.

Food packaging & medical film

Ravago Manufacturing produces masterbatches for Dow. Dow is producing PE with our masterbatches for food packaging, and medical film. Without our masterbatches, Dow is not able to produce such PE.

We are a major supplier into the packing industry to help support huge spikes in food and medical supply.

Ravaber Stonewool is used in Turkish hospital projects


Due to the Covid-19 needs, 2 big hospital projects in İstanbul, Turkey are designed. One of them is in Anatolian site, the other one is in European site of the city.

Stonewool sandwich panel products are in the specification of roofs in architectural projects. 3 big customers of Ravaber for sandwich panel production, Assan Panel, TeknoPanel and Panelsan take the vendors.

On roof details, 100 kg/m3 density, 50mm thickness stonewool of Ravaber is preferred. We are proud, to be the solution provider of such big projects in order to sustain well-being for community

Resinex supplies for face mask production in Slovakia


A Slovakian company, that was not even processing polymers before the coronavirus crisis, had 7 Arburg machines for MIM (metal injection molding).

They quickly modified the technology to be able to process polymers and contacted Resinex to recommend suitable polymers for face masks. They had no specifications and their request was just ´something soft for face masks´.

In 2 weeks’ time Resinex selected, sampled and tested several different materials and finally approved Ensoft, Braskem and Arnite grades.

  • Face mask body: ENSOFT SO300-55A-000FCA
  • Filter holder: Braskem PP C715-12NHP
  • Lock of filter holder: Arnite EM460

First commercial shipments of all 3 materials were already delivered and first FTL Ensoft order was produced in Ravago Turkey.

The different Group parts cooperated really well to be able to make the delivery happen in a limited time frame!

Alcohol for disinfection process


In the Netherlands, a distillery of genever, Jopenkerk in Haarlem, contacted Ravago Chemicals NL.

Currently instead of distillate genever, they are now making alcohol for disinfection purposes.

Together with our supplier Macfarlan, Ravago Chemicals supports the market by supplying the small amounts of Bitrex to denaturate the ethanol.

Macfarlan is donating a lot more of the free samples of Bitrex as more small breweries and distilleries contacted Ravago Chemicals as well.

Resinex supplies material for face shields

RESINEX UK was pleased to supply material for the production of face shields by Total Precision. The shields are distributed free of charge to front line staff and key workers within the NHS and care sectors as well as the Emergency Services in the East Midlands and elsewhere in the United Kingdom.

Thanks to the quick response by RESINEX and other partners, they were able to produce and deliver all within one week.

CPA produces PPE shields & donates


Channel Prime Alliance (CPA) produced over 400 PPE shields on its 3D printer during the month of April.

All of these shields were donated to local hospitals and to CPA team members who have relatives in the health care field.

A few pictures of our assembly line in the Des Moines office and several grateful front-line health care workers from Mercy Hospital who received these PPE shields.

We also raised over $25,000 for our neighbors down the street from us at The Food Bank of Iowa and finally launched our much anticipated new website.

KH Chemicals donating desinfectants


We all know that the COVID-19 crisis can lead to remarkable initiatives. One of those initiatives, in which all parties involved worked free of charge, has been set up by Maikel Bolt and Hans Ketting of KH Chemicals together with Emile Stuy of Anker Stuy Verven. KH Chemicals is part of Ravago Chemicals EMEA.

KH Chemicals is active in two key ingredients used in the manufacturing of disinfecting gels and liquids; IPA and Ethanol. For this project KH Chemicals provided the main ingredient IPA (better known as Iso Propyl Alcohol). BASF took part in the cooperation as well, it added some other ingredients and blended 3500 liters of disinfecting liquid. BASF subsequently put the product in jerry cans and made it ready for distribution.

At this stage transport company Trasegro came in play as they moved the jerry cans with finished product, from BASF (Heerenveen) to the headquarters of KH Chemicals in Zwijndrecht. From here the jerry cans were distributed to institutions in the region that are in desperate need of additional sanitizing fluids such as care homes, residential communities and hospices.

KH Chemicals, with its pay-off “It’s all about people”, joined forces with its business partners to help those in need. In the end we all need each other, that’s why it’s all about people!”


Antiviral & antimicrobial additive


Tosaf presents new antiviral & antimicrobial additive to fight the Corona COVID-19 virus.

The protective additive safeguards humanity by fortifying protective applications such as masks and medical disposables.

In the global fight against Covid-19, Tosaf is developing an antimicrobial, antiviral additive for polyolefin nonwoven fabrics and films, to be used in the production of disposable, medical, protective applications.

Masks, protective apparel, disposable bedding and other products produced with this additive, become both antiviral and antibacterial.

Tosaf recommends that manufacturers apply the additive when producing the outer layer of the mask or any other protective apparel for the most cost effective and efficient result.

This will destroy viral particles that land on the outside surface of the mask, eliminating danger to its user. If the mask user is already carrying the virus, the applied additive will kill viral particles that reach the outer layer from the inside, protecting others who may come in contact or proximity.

Tosaf is a partner of Ravago and is one of 35 companies among 750 applicants who were chosen by the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) and granted funds to develop solutions for the global fight against Covid-19.

For more details & information please contact Dr. Evgeni Zelikman:evgeniz@tosaf.com

5min test kit


Amco Polymers is proud to work with one of our top molders, Tessy Plastics, to support the production of Abbott’s COVID-19 5-Minute Test Kit.

The new point of care test kit is one of the fastest tests for the novel coronavirus which will aid healthcare workers and government officials in their efforts to understand and fight against of the spread of this disease worldwide.

Tessy Plastics is expanding their capability for this project and is expected to be fully operational this summer. There is a large surge in demand for Abbott’s newly developed COVID-19 5-Minute Test Kits, called ID NOW™ COVID-19, and Tessy’s expansion could produce 10+ million additional test kits/month.

Amco is partnering with Covestro to ensure on time, uninterrupted supply of the Makrolon® PC used in the manufacture of the test kits.

IPA donation Ravago Chemicals


Together with our valuable partner Shell, Ravago Chemicals is joining forces to provide a donation of more than 60.000 liters of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) to Spanish Hospitals.

This alcohol is widely used as antiseptic and disinfectant for any surface and the basic ingredient for hand sanitizers.

We are helping our fight against Covid19!

Special thanks to our partner Bertschi for helping us in this great initiative by providing free iso tank transport from Netherlands to our facilities in Barcelona where we do the re-packing of bulk material into 5L HDPE jerry cans.

By doing this we contribute to support our the society!

Hospital beds protective parts

Protective parts for French hospital beds are made in PP by RESINEX FRANCE customer Tiag Industries with PP Braskem PP CSP030N. NATURAL. The normal delivery has been doubled already last April.

Wheels of beds are also made with our PA6 Akulon K223TP4 and molded by submolder PRM for Tente France.

Medical tubing material

Ravago Americas is supplying Polyethylene, TPU, and EVA for critical medical tubing to keep people with decreased lung capacity breathing.

Hand wash stations

Hand wash stations for the NHS in United Kingdom

One of Resinex UK Rotational Moulding customers JSC Rotational currently produces an increased number of portable hand wash system for NHS (National Health Service). These are used in new hospitals that were recently built across the UK.

Resinex UK provides a good supply of Roto materials to help with this increasing demand.

RBS donation to healthcare

Ravago Building Solutions provided all its factories with ca 10 000 masks to protect the employees; and have donated the same amount to the healthcare workers in the communities around the factories.

In many countries the typical Eastern gifts to employees and customers have been donated to local healthcare communities.

Picture below: Lambda in Hungary redirected their gifts for Covid-19 departments of 17 Hungarian hospitals and 2 ambulance stations all over the country.

Protection materials provided to healthcare communities: e.g. foil to install “air lock” separation walls,...

ETP production


Ravago Manufacturing produces ETPs, that are used in several medical devices to check blood pressure, analysis…

Our ETPs are used in many other applications to make our lives more comfortable e.g. in stair lift elevator production,...

Also ETPs are essential parts for production of e.g. air filters boxes of the trucks that brings us all the daily needs (food, cleaning products,…) or for wire and cables for any electronic device.

Ravago Greece donated one-piece suits TYVEK type


These suits are made of special specifications for this crisis situation provided by the Ministry of Health in Greece.

The suits are donated, through the Greek Ministry of Health, to the hospitals that are indicated by Greek authorities to handle exclusively covid-19 incidents. More specifically, these hospitals are:


  • General Hospital of Elefsina "Thriasio“
  • General Hospital of Thoracic Diseases "Sotiria“
  • University General Hospital "Attikon”


Doctors, nurses and hospital staff in general, are in a daily struggle against an invisible enemy. Their contribution to society is countless and we, discreetly and respectfully, thank and support them from the bottom of our heart.

Hand soap and surface cleaners


New Zealand, like many countries, is in lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic. Only essential businesses are allowed to stay open, and these include suppliers to healthcare and food production. TCL Hunt Group, part of the Ravago family, is deemed an essential supplier and can still sell products to essential industries albeit from a skeleton staff at their Auckland warehouse. One of the companies in the TCL Hunt Group is Space Industries Ltd (SIL), and they are manufacturers and distributors of swimming pool and cleaning products.

Currently there is very high demand for hand soap and surface cleaners particularly important to aged care facilities and hospitals where hygiene is paramount. Space Industries Ltd has responded to shortage and moved production in just 24 hours to manufacturing sanitizing products.

Such is the demand TCL Hunt Group is sending out its “Applause” hand soap in 5L containers and customers are filling their own bottles. We are having to do most of the filling work by hand since the filling line is too slow and we have the staff on hand.

COVID-19 test kit


Testing is one of the key elements in beating the Corona COVID-19 virus. To follow the increasing demand of tests, swift delivery of components is important.

Ravago Americas is the sole supplier of PP for the new COVID-19 fast testing kits in North America.

Donation food essentials in India


Last week Ravago India prepared a “Food Essentials bag” which feeds a family of 4 for a week. Bag consists of wheat, rice, sugar, potatoes, onions, cooking oil & other Indian condiments. There are 10 items in a bag & we prepared 100 bags, to feed 100 families.

We distributed the bags with help from local police, as due to Covid, movement is banned in India.

We hope our contribution will help families to overcome the crisis.

Face mask application


At Ravago Manufacturing we create materials that are being used in the production of face masks. The world is in great need of these masks to prevent further spread and/or treat the Corona COVID-19 virus.

Ravago products used are:

  • Ensoft SO300-45A-T2000FCA
  • Ensoft SO141-45A-T2000FCA
  • Ensoft SO300-55A-T2000FCA